Refreshing Summer by Lorna Dockstader


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Acrylic on canvas
Art Size
48 x 24


REFRESHING SUMMERPainting the same subject several different ways has always appealed to me. Each time, I see something different and having worked out the challenges in a previous piece, I wonder about what will happen the next time. So I guess I’m always curious and that’s what keeps me going. I might change the format from vertical to square, or square to horizontal. I decided to work in a narrow vertical format, only including the right hand side of Tangle Falls. As I began blocking in the shapes I thought about the warmth of the local colours and how this would change the overall feeling. I still wanted the effect of a staircase, guarded by trees, and also wanted to accentuate some of the patterns in the rock. Mixing neutrals is something I enjoy so added lots of them as well. I wanted an elegant and refined painting. From rock shape to rock shape I worked, weaving textures in between, thinking of the various stages in our lives. Then sitting back to see if I have any regrets. – Lorna Dockstader