Theoret, Vance
I am self taught stone carver of Métis decent, born in 1953 in Cornwall, Ontario. My stone carving career started in 1988 and I have now been carving for over 32 years.
I was inspired by the work of the Inuit and by the work of Henry Moore and Rodin. Through them I found myself drawn to the deceptive simplicity of using the form to suggest detail rather than trying to put every hair in place so to speak. I like to let the stone tell me what it wants to be…when I do this the end product is so much more alive than if I had forced my design upon it! Doing this also allows the stone to work with you and puts colours and patterns in places that you couldn’t plan any better. I carve wildlife, especially bears as I find them a good vehicle for my sense of humour. Although I take my work seriously, I try not to take myself too seriously…so much of my work has a light playfulness about it!
Read moreI am a member of The Western Lights Artist Group and have been so for over 20 years. I have done many juried shows and have regular shows with the galleries I deal with. My favourite juried show is “The Western Showcase” at the Calgary Stampede where I have participated for the past 20 years. In 2014 I was awarded Best in Show for 3D.
I also enjoy teaching and host about six workshops a year.